Mycenaean gold death mask, Mask of Agamemnon, Mycenae, Greece. Explore MuseoPics Mycenaean Art Photos
MuseoPics Photography Project
MuseoPics is a non profit making archaeological museum antiquity photography project started in 2009 to create a photo resource for publishers, documentary makers, scholars and enthusiasts. The museum antiquity photos on this site include collections from famous archaeological museums as well as important antiquity collections from the harder to visit smaller archaeological museums of Europe, the Near East and North Africa. Museopics antiquity photos have become a useful editorial resource regularly licensed by publishers and documentary makers who find it difficult to access photos of specific museum antiquities any other way. Thanks to all the museums who have given their help to make this project possible.
The photos on this site can be downloaded for a small fee which will help to fund the project. The photos are licensed for editorial and personal use, advertising use will require Property Rights permission from the relevant Museums Trustees.
MuseoPics is the sum total of thousands of hours of free work and of tens of thousands Kilometres travelling and I hope you enjoy the site and find the photos useful. This project is Carbon Neutral.
Paul E Williams 2024

Etruscan bronce statue of the mythical Chimera - 5th cent BC - Visit Etruscan Photo Collection

9th cent BC Hittite Relief Panels From Tell Halaf - Explore MusePics Hittite Art Photos

Gothic painting "Pleurants" Circa 1295. National Museum of Catalan Art, Barcelona, Spain, - Explore MuseoPics Medieval Gothic Photos

Ancient Greek bronze statue of an Athlete after a boxing match,1st cent BC. - Explore MuseoPics Ancinet Greek Art

The Minoan 'Procession Fresco', from Knossos Palace, 1500-1400 BC. - Expolore MuseoPics Mionan Art

Roman Mosaic - The Gypsy Girls. The House of Menad. Zeugma Mosaic Museum. Explore MuseoPics Roman Mosaic Photos

Roman Statue of Aphrodite (Venus), ‘Dresden Capitoline Type, 2nd century AD. - Explore MuseoPics Roman Statue Photos

Roman Mosaic of the "Ten Bikini Girls", Villa Romana del Casale, Sicily - Eplore MuseoPics Roma Art Photos

Ptolemaic Egyptian stone sarcophagus coffin of Pa-nehem-isis, 2nc Cent BC. - Explore MuseoPics Egyptian Antiquities Photos

Assyrian relief sculpture panel of a protective spirit, Nimrud, 865-860 B.C : British Museum - Explore MuseoPics Assyrian Art Photos
Explore thousand more museum antiquites and historic site at MuseoPics. We hope you enjoy your visit.