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Children of the Revolution
"I took these photos as a protest against the 1991 Croatian War of Independence. The photos were also as a protest against the hypocrisy of the western press, which was outraged by the sight of white European children being killed in Croatia, whilst ignoring the black children dying in wars in Africa at the same time.
Today, 2023, the same thing is happening with the Ukraine war. The Western Press is outraged by the deaths of white Europeans, but still ignors those being killed in the Yemen, Afganistan, Palastine and many other conflicts around the world, because they are not white Christians.
War is unacceptable anywhere and against any peoples, black or white, Christian or Muslim. War in the name of Democracy by the west is a shamelful act of imperialism. For many years now the USA and their allied aggressors have suffered no punishment for their aggression. It's the children who they attack and rob of their childhood that suffer, while the fat cat western arms dealers, and their political sponsors relax and play with their children on beaches in the Seychelles.
How many cildrens lives have been destroyed since I took theses photos in 1991? Enough was Enough then but today children are still at war today. Enough is Enough" Paul E Williams
(for anyone concerned the children in the photos suffered no stress or injury. They are my daughters Penny & Lucy, both of whom have their own children now and wish for them to grow up in a safe world).