Yorkshire Shows 1989 - Documentary Photos
One of the great annual events of any town in England used to be the the town Show. These were usually based around live stock competitions or a gymkhana, with sideshows, stalls and sometimes a fun fair. In many towns these shows have disappeared but they are still an important annual event in Yorkshire. Most dales have their own show and big shows are organised as steam engine or truck shows. The end result is the same, a fun day out for all the family. The shows in this collection are of Farndale Show & Pickering Monster Truck show, with a few photos from Flamingo Land. A day trio down memory lane. Photos by Paul E Williams

The Karamojong & West Nile 1989 - Documentary Photos
In 1989 I was asked by s friend, Nigel Nicholson head of LWF Uganda, if I would go and photograph some of their relief projects. It was not long after peace had been restored to Uganda and karamoja was still a lawless area. I could only really travel there with LWF so am very grateful I was given the opportunity to meet the Karamajong on their own terms. This is how they and the Ugandans rebuilding West Nile looked in 1989. I thank them for their hospitality. Photos by Paul E Williams.

Pina Dreams - Street Photography Photo Art
Dedicated to Pina Bausch who taught me to see gestures & dance in a new way. An on-going project exploring the Endless Evolving Dance of Life. Photos by Paul E Williams.

Pig Killing Day - Documentary Photo Art
Before World War II most rural households in Europe kept a pig. They were the dustbins for household food scraps and were cheap meat. Through the winter there would be pig killing days where a couple of families got together to butcher a pig. This gave a rotation of meat through the winter. After the war the tradition declined. These photos were taken in Velem Hungary in 2007, where pig killing days have almost disappeared. By the end of the day virtually the whole pig had been turned into sausages, salamis, ham & joints of meat with almost no waste. I thank the family for letting me witness the end of a practise that dates back thousand of years.

One Way Street - Street Photography Photo Art
We all live in a One Way Street, there is no going back. Photos by Paul E Williams

Busójárás Carnival - Documentary Photo Art
One of the last great pagan carnivals in Europe is the Busójárás Carnival in Mohacs Hungary. It is a 6 day festival ending on Mardi Gras with the ceremonial burning of Winter in a coffin on a huge bonfire. The stars of the Busójárás are the Busós dressed in sheepskins wearing traditional masks. They parade accompanied by traditional Šokci folk music and dancing. Its a wild and energetic event. Photos by Paul E Williams

Old Covent Garden Market - Documentary Photos
In 1974 Covent Garden fruit & vegetable market closed. I took these photos in my last college year in 1973. Its a glimpse of a lost world enhanced by the colours rendered by old Ectachrome film. A photo trip down memory lane by Paul E Williams.