Day Tripper - Living Statues - Documentary Photos
The history of living statues can be traced back to medieval times when tableau vivant, made by groups of living statues, were popular. The current popularity of living statues was probably started by Gilbert and George in the 1960's. I have to admire the dedication people have to make costumes and then stand perfectly still in them on hot summers sun as well as on cold winter days. Living statues have become part of a city day trip all over the world. This is a small tribute to them and buskers. Photos by Paul E Williams

Day Tripper Prague - Documentary People Photos
One of the great winter markets is in Prague so it is a popular time to visit the city. Photos by Paul E Williams

Day Tripper Tihany - Documentary People Photos
Tihany is situated on a high headland that juts out into Lake Balafon Hungary. It gives a popular vantage point of the lake. Photos by Paul E Williams.

Day Tripper Switzerland - Documentary People Photos
Having grown up in a country like England where a mountain is anything over 1000 ft, I am always blown away by the high Alps. Photos by Paul E Williams.

Day Tripper France - Documentary People Photos
France is a great country do do day trips in. One of the great tourist destinations of the world is Paris. Photos by Paul E Williams

Smile - People Feeding Venice Pigeons Street Photos
Smile Venice Pigeons - People having great fun feeding pigeons in St Marks Square Venice. Photos by photographer Paul E Williams. (Feeding pigeons is now banned in Venice).